Dental Crowning Services near Clarkston, GA
Various types of dental bridges are available, each selected based on individual needs and the location of the missing tooth. These bridges are typically only removable by a dentist. A traditional fixed bridge involves securing the replacement tooth with two crowns, while a resin-bonded bridge is suitable for front teeth and areas with healthy surrounding teeth and no large fillings. Metro Decatur Dental Group PC, serving Clarkston, Georgia, offers crowns and bridges to strengthen or enhance the appearance of teeth.
Temporary Crowns and Bridges in Clarkston
Cantilever dental bridges are utilized when there are teeth on only one side of the gap. Regardless of the type, dental bridges require two visits. During the initial appointment, Dr. Gary Simms prepares the surrounding teeth, takes an impression, and places a temporary bridge. The impression guides the crafting of the bridge’s false tooth and crowns. Patients wear the temporary bridge until the permanent bridge is cemented, fitted, checked, and adjusted during the subsequent appointment.
Accessible Dental Crowns and Bridges in the Vicinity of Clarkston, Georgia
The cost of dental crowns may vary based on location and the chosen type. For instance, porcelain crowns tend to be pricier than gold ones, which in turn are typically costlier than porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. At Metro Decatur Dental Group PC, we assure durable, natural-looking, and comfortable dental bridges. For further insight into the benefits of dental bridges, reach out to Metro Decatur Dental Group PC near Clarkston, GA, at 404-292-3133.
Obtain Crowns for Teeth in Proximity to Clarkston, GA
Our crowns serve as comprehensive dental restorations that fully encase a tooth or dental implant. With our “same day” crown service, you can experience unparalleled convenience without delays or temporary crown issues. Feel free to inquire about this innovative service. Affordable dentures, crowns, and bridges services are conveniently available at Metro Decatur Dental Group PC, close to Clarkston, Georgia.
Crown Bridges Services near Clarkston, Georgia
Following a dental crown procedure, it’s common for the tooth to be sensitive as the anesthesia wears off. Sensitivity to heat and cold may occur, especially if the crowned tooth still contains a nerve. Metro Decatur Dental Group PC dentists may recommend toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. If biting down causes pain or sensitivity, it could indicate that the crown is too high on the tooth. In such instances, contact Metro Decatur Dental Group PC in Clarkston, GA at 404-292-3133 for prompt adjustments.
Temporary Crown Placement at Metro Decatur Dental Group PC in Clarkston, GA
Occasionally, dental crowns may become dislodged due to improper fit or inadequate cement. If this occurs, promptly contact Metro Decatur Dental Group PC. Our dentists will provide instructions for temporary crown care until you can schedule an appointment. Depending on the situation, the dentist may be able to re-cement the crown. If not, a new crown will be necessary, and in the interim, a temporary crown can be provided until the permanent one is ready at Metro Decatur Dental Group PC in Clarkston, GA.
The city is noted for its ethnic diversity, and is often referred to as “the most diverse square mile in America” and “the Ellis Island of the South.”[5][6] In the 1990s, refugee resettlement programs identified Clarkston as a good fit for displaced persons of many backgrounds. The rental market was open, residents were moving farther out from the Atlanta urban core, and Clarkston was the last stop on a transit line into the city. At present students attending Clarkston High School come from over 50 countries; the local mosque (Masjid al-Momineen, or Mosque of the Faithful in English) has a diverse and sizable congregation;[7] and over half the population is estimated by some to be foreign born.[8]
A post office called Clarkston has been in operation since 1876.[9] The Georgia General Assembly incorporated the place in 1882 as the “Town of Clarkston”, with municipal corporate limits extending in a one-half mile radius from the Georgia Railroad depot.[10] The community was named after W. W. Clark, a railroad official.[11]