Treat Dental Abscesses Efficiently with Metro Decatur Dental Group PC in Belvedere Park, GA
When a tooth suffers from severe decay, or gets chipped or broken, bacteria can infiltrate and cause an infection. This also occurs with gingivitis or gum disease. A dental abscess forms when this infection reaches the tooth’s root or the area between the gum and tooth. The primary treatment is an incision and drainage procedure. Visit Dr. Gary Simms at Metro Decatur Dental Group PC in Belvedere Park, Georgia, for an examination and treatment of dental abscesses.
Dental Abscess Treatment Near Belvedere Park, GA
Dental abscesses can be painful and, if untreated, can lead to serious complications. The infection can spread to other parts of your body, causing swelling in the jaw, neck, and head. Symptoms include fever, an open sore on the gum, a bitter taste, and bad breath. For effective treatment, visit Metro Decatur Dental Group PC in Belvedere Park, Georgia. Dr. Gary Simms will address the infection even if the tooth pulp has died, ensuring the infection does not continue to spread and damage other tissues.
Draining Tooth Abscess Treatment near Belvedere Park, GA
At Metro Decatur Dental Group PC, serving Belvedere Park, Georgia, we recognize the severity of tooth and gum infections. Following diagnosis, we employ an aggressive approach to eradicate the disease and preserve dental health. Typically, this involves an Incision & Drainage (I&D) procedure. In this treatment, patients receive a combination of antibiotics to combat the infection, alongside making an incision and, if necessary, inserting a small drain to remove infected material. Following drainage, we cleanse the site with a sterile saline solution and closely monitor the healing process.
Dental Infection Treatment in Belvedere Park, Georgia
Effective management of the surgical site post-I&D is crucial for swift recovery. Key steps include refraining from touching the wound or drain, applying pressure with surgical gauze or a moistened tea bag to control bleeding, as tea’s tannic acid acts as an astringent. If uncertain about any aspect, contact Metro Decatur Dental Group PC in Belvedere Park, GA, at 404-292-3133, where Dr. Gary Simms can assess and address the abscess as needed.
Tooth Abscess Treatment near Belvedere Park, Georgia
An abscess, characterized by a pocket of pus around an infected tooth root, can affect individuals of all ages. Without treatment from a dentist or endodontist, the abscess won’t heal on its own and may lead to further complications as the infection spreads. Metro Decatur Dental Group PC, renowned for its expertise in dental implants and dentures, serves Belvedere Park, GA.
Gingival Abscess Treatment at Metro Decatur Dental Group PC, Belvedere Park, GA
Rest and avoiding strenuous activities are recommended until pain and swelling subside. Fever may accompany infections; temperatures exceeding 101 degrees warrant medical attention to prevent systemic complications. Metro Decatur Dental Group PC welcomes patients from Belvedere Park, Georgia. For personalized dental care, reach out to our Georgia clinic at 404-292-3133.
A majority of homes in Belvedere Park are one-story and while some are traditional red brick ranch homes, contemporary style houses were also built. Adair Realty and Loan, a powerful real estate company in Atlanta during the early to mid 20th century, represented Belvedere Park.[6]
The Belvedere Motel, operated by the renowned Dinkler Hotel Corporation, opened with telephones and large screen televisions in every room. The motel claimed to be “dedicated to your traveling comfort” — additional amenities included a playground and a shuffleboard court.[6]